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Lady dies on her birthday, after her boyfriend beat her up.

On Thursday, A South African woman, Manotsi Lemao passed away at her cousins' place after being brutally beaten by her boyfriend. She died the day she celebrated her 42nd birthday.

The cousin of the deceased, Mateboho Selokoma said she discovered the truth after her own husband went to collect some money from her sister, Manotsi. She said that when her husband, Mr. Selokoma got there, her sisters boyfriend told him that he and Manotsi had a fight earlier and she was sleeping.

When Mr. Selokoma went to check on her, he found her brutally beaten. She was not able to walk on her own. When they went to the hospital, X-RAYs' revealed that she had a broken leg.

Her cousin, Matehebo asked her to spend a few days with her and her family, but unfortunately, she died after eating her birthday cake on Thursday.

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